Industry Insights

Boost your benefits adoption with Exhale Refresh Week

How to make the most of your financial benefits with Exhale.

3 minutes

The Exhale app makes it easy for employees to sign up for financial benefits anytime, whether they need a safety net today or an emergency fund for the future.

But like all employer-provided benefits, it can be tough to drive awareness to your team throughout the year. In particular, longer-tenured employees—whose new hire orientation occurred over a year ago—may be missing out on important benefits updates that may be more top-of-mind for newer employees.

Exhale's sign-up data shows that a dedicated enrollment period, bolstered by active employer engagement, led to a 15% increase in financial benefits adoption among tenured employees in February 2024.[1]

What is Exhale Refresh Week?

We've put our own spin on open enrollment with Exhale Refresh Week: a semi-annual event focused on boosting awareness and re-inviting employees who haven't already joined Exhale.

As an employer, you already have enough on your plate—so our team takes care of all the logistics and communication, keeping you updated every step of the way. 

Here's what you can expect before, during, and after an Exhale Refresh Week:

  • Timing: We hold semi-annual Refresh Weeks at strategic times when employees are more likely to be thinking about their finances. We’ll notify you 2-3 weeks ahead of time to kick off the process.
  • Invite preparation: Exhale’s automatic payroll integration ensures employee information is up-to-date so we can easily compile a list of all eligible employees. If anything looks amiss or needs re-authentication, we’ll let you know.
  • Invite launch: Just like your initial Exhale rollout, we’ll send personalized sign-up links to all eligible employees. Employees can sign up easily from their phone or computer.
  • Reminders: In the following weeks, we’ll send periodic emails to those still eligible to sign up, keeping available benefits top of mind. Employees can opt out of these emails at any time.
  • Measuring success: We’ll monitor your team’s adoption rates and Exhale usage with monthly reports delivered straight to your inbox.

Customizing Refresh Week for your team

When it comes to offering financial benefits, trust is the name of the game. We work with you to tailor the employee experience, matching the communication methods that are most effective for you.

  • Invite method: By default, we'll invite employees by sending an email and text message. If you want to send emails only, or customize how individual employees receive their invite, just let us know.
  • Branded materials: We’ll provide you with branded posters ahead of time, which you can print and display in your workplace. We're happy to work with you to customize these further. 
  • Digital resources: Our team will share suggested messaging, digital flyers, videos, and tips that you and your managers can use to promote Exhale’s benefits.
  • Promotional kit: Depending on your contract, we can also mail you a personalized promotional kit for your team. Contact us to check your eligibility or to request these items.

How to maximize your financial benefits

We consistently see that clear communication from employers about their available benefits leads to the highest adoption and satisfaction rates among employees.

Here are some easy ways to boost adoption during an Exhale Refresh Week:

  • Spread the word! Use a combination of channels to remind employees about the event, whether it’s online (think internal channels, HR portals, and email announcements) or in person (throw a stack of flyers in your break room, office, bathroom…get creative!)
  • Schedule a free refresher: Sign up for a free refresher and Q&A with our team. We’ll share more about our Perks, how to connect your paycheck, answer questions from your team, and more. Sessions can be tailored for managers only or open to all employees.

We approach each Refresh Week with an ever-growing toolkit and a collaborative mindset. So if you've got questions or suggestions, reach out to us any time.

We can’t wait to help you make the most out of Exhale!